If you owe back child support or worry that your financial circumstances will cause you to fall behind in the near future, it is critical to go over the various penalties that you could face due to missing payments. Some non-custodial parents who owe support do not...
Month: July 2022
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How does mediation protect your privacy during divorce?
Divorce filings are usually a matter of public record. This can be problematic if you want a discreet divorce. Mediation can help you maintain your privacy during a divorce. Privacy benefits of mediation Mediation allows a divorcing couple to meet privately with a...
Establishing paternity: a benefit for kids and dads
The traditional family pictures of years gone by have evolved, and sometimes couples have children outside of wedlock. In such families, the state does not make any presumption as to the child’s parentage, as is the case when married couples welcome children into...