Collaborative divorce is a growing alternative to traditional divorce, offering a less adversarial approach that focuses on mutual agreements. This process requires both parties to work together with professionals to reach a settlement that benefits everyone involved....
collaborative law
2 pros and cons of collaborative divorce in Washington state
Collaborative law is an alternative approach to resolving divorce disputes. It focuses on cooperation between both parties. This process can be particularly appealing for couples looking to maintain a respectful relationship during and after the divorce. While...
The benefits of collaborative law in a high-conflict divorce
Collaborative law offers a unique approach to resolving a high-conflict divorce by focusing on cooperation and mutual respect. This method provides a more peaceful alternative to a traditional courtroom battle. There are several key benefits to the collaborative...
4 reasons to consider a collaborative divorce
Divorce is undoubtedly a challenging experience, but it does not have to come with hostility and conflict. Collaborative divorce offers a more peaceful path to dissolution, focusing on open communication, respect and cooperation between both parties involved. 1....
What is separate property in a divorce?
During a divorce, there are various things you must do to sever the relationship between you and your spouse. One of the more complex parts of the process is dividing your property. When you do this, you need to begin by determining what is separate property and what...
Collaboration is gaining ground as the divorce option of choice
If you and your spouse have decided to end your marriage, you may dread stressful litigation in which you have little control over the outcome. Instead, you could choose collaborative divorce, a private and transparent option that has become a process many couples...
What is a collaborative divorce?
Divorce filings have increased over the past year. If your marriage is ending, you may want to consider foregoing the traditional route and trying a collaborative approach. In situations where a couple may have the ability to compromise without intervention by a...
Will a collaborative divorce work for you?
A couple who does not agree on anything when divorcing may find themselves before a judge. In these cases, the judge is the one who creates the agreement based on his or her assessment of the circumstances. However, couples who wish to keep things more focused and...
Taking a Long-Term View to Your Post-Divorce Lifestyle
We live in a dynamic society, where parents may encounter changes in their income, job schedules. Accordingly, family law advocacy must take a long-term view to the parties' lives during times of transition. An approach that provides flexibility, such as a mechanism...