From a child’s perspective, divorce can be a stressful time and there may be a number of questions they have. Divorce can also be very hard for parents, who may have many questions of their own. Sometimes, a child may decide to pick a favorite parent during the...
Month: August 2019
Making your kids a priority during divorce
From financial concerns such as property distribution and alimony to being worried about how one’s daily life will be impacted by divorce, there are a lot of different things that people worry about when they bring their marriage to an end. However, it is vital for...
Sleep loss and child custody concerns
Parents lose sleep for all sorts of reasons, whether their financial problems are becoming unmanageable after the loss of a job or they are dealing with stressors involving their children. Kids of all ages, from infants and toddlers to teenagers, may be facing a...
Child custody issues and your job
The divorce process may bring up various stressors and areas of uncertainty, from financial concerns over child support to emotional hurdles associated with moving on from a marriage. Those which involve one’s children can be incredibly difficult, especially when it...